Activities Subcommittee
This trusted servant position is currently vacant. More will be revealed…
Guidelines Subcommittee
This committee reviews the Greater Pensacola Area Guidelines, makes updates, and recommends policy changes to the Area Service Committee.
This trusted servant position is currently vacant. More will be revealed…
Hospitals & Institutions (H&I) Subcommittee
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings and presentations, except for those in longer term facilities, are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program.
The H&I Subcommittee meets at 12:15 pm on the third Sunday of each month. Currently, the H&I Subcommittee meeting is held virtually over Zoom AND in person (hybrid meeting).
- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 6850 Oak Street, Milton, FL, 32570
- GPASC zoom room ID: 418 583 9132 password: naiou1
Please contact H&I Chair, Jamie B. 850-384-8927, for more information.
- H&I Handbook PDF
- H&I Basics PDF
- Hospitals and Institutions Service and the NA Member IP
- H&I Do’s & Don’ts
HOWL Subcommittee
The HOWL Subcommittee meets on the first Sunday of each month.
Contact the HOWL 46 Facilitator for more information about HOWL 46 Subcommittee meetings.
Chair – Sky A. 850-543-1860
Vice-Chair – Jessyka D. 850-324-9426
Secretary – Shae H. 769-281-8816
Treasurer – vacant
Vice Treasurer – vacant
Registration – Autumn L. 850-346-5170
Merchandise – vacant
Hospitality – vacant
Programming – vacant
Fundraising – David L. 228-264-0868
Public Relations (PR) Subcommittee
This trusted servant position is currently vacant. More will be revealed…
Public Relations Handbook – The Public Relations Handbook is a service tool which encompasses various facets of NA public relations including planning, the media, criminal justice professionals, treatment, healthcare, phonelines, internet technology, event planning, fellowship development, and government
Phone Line Basics – A call to an NA phoneline, also known as a helpline, may be someone’s first interaction with Narcotics Anonymous. This resource outlines ways a service body can evaluate its resources, choose a helpline provider, train and prepare helpline volunteers, and coordinate services in a way that makes local helplines more successful.
Website Subcommittee
Website Subcommittee Guidelines
This subcommittee is responsible for keeping this website and the GPANA meeting schedule up to date. To submit a meeting schedule change, please fill out this form.
Facilitator – vacant
Co-Facilitator – Jen S. (302) 388-4041