
HOWL 46 Registration

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

We are so excited to see you at HOWL 46! Purchase a HOWL registration for yourself and other attending addicts. Registration includes a merchandise grab bag, Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast, and a schedule of events. Pre-registration $40 (before September 1st) Registration $50 (September 1st and after).

If you have any questions regarding Registration please contact the HOWL Chairperson: Sky P. 850-543-1860, HOWL Vice Chair: Jessyka D. 850-324-9426, or the Registration Chairperson: Autumn L. 850-346-5170.

Purchasing a HOWL registration means that I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions. I also understand that I must call the event facility (TO BE DETERMINED) in order to reserve my cabin, RV spot, or camp spot. If I am camping in group camp, I understand that I will pay the HOWL $10 per person.

You may purchase a meal ticket for any non-addicts (i.e. spouse, children, etc.) attending the HOWL with you to cover their meals for the weekend.HOWL 46 Special Rules:

  • Every attendee must wear the wristband given with the Registration form or Meal Ticket.
  • NO pets.
  • Park only in designated parking spots. No driving back and forth through the facility site.
  • Fires MUST be in firepits and not left unattended.
  • NO ATVs, golf carts are okay.

For additional facility rules and regulations please visit their website.

By purchasing a HOWL registration, campsite, or merchandise you agree to a no refund policy. Including but not limited to acts of god, inclimate weather, or personal tragedy. You also agree not to hold the Greater Pensacola Area of NA, the HOWL, nor the hosting facility, liable for any injuries you may incur while camping, hiking, swimming, fishing, and/or participating in any activities held by the HOWL Subcommittee.

If you cannot attend the HOWL after registering for any reason, upon coordination with the HOWL Subcommittee, you may save the registration for next year.

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